...submit claims easily, quickly and without hassle!

The faster you report the damage, the faster everything is back to normal. For a quick processing report a damage simply and easily with our online form:

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Please note the following points when shipping your paragliding equipment to SWING:

  • We can only check, inspect and repair SWING products.
  • Please enclose a completed order form with your shipment. You can download and print the form here: [order form].
  • Mark damaged areas on the glider, harness or rescue system with a suitable adhesive tape.
  • Pack your glider properly – with untangled lines and well folded – and remember to use a packing box for cut protection.
  • Send your paraglider by mail to SWING Flugsportgeräte GmbH, An der Leiten 4, 82290 Landsberied, if you are resident in Germany or another country of the European Union. You can also bring your paraglider to us personally.
  • If you live in Switzerland or outside the EU, please contact us before shipping to avoid problems with customs. [Tel.: +49 (0)8141 3277 888 or info@swing.de]
  • Major repairs on the need of a recheck will only be done after contacting us.
  • The execution of orders by SWING usually takes two to three weeks, at peak times and/or for larger repairs longer waiting times must be expected.